Monday, July 30, 2012

Mrs. Fix-It & DIY

I have to admit, when Jeremy left I was terrified.  I had no idea how I would make it without him both physically and emotionally.  I found myself worrying about everything- who would take out the trash?  Who was going to mow the yard?  What if I have a problem with something in the house- who is going to fix it?  Who will I talk to at night?  Who am I going to hang out with?  Text all day?  We have family and friends very close that have offered to help out with everything but as you, know it is hard to admit you need help and ask for it. 

After my two day pitty party, I put my big girl panties on and got on with it.  Well, sort of... I did need my Gram's help a lot during the first four weeks.  She pretty much kept my house running; she did the laundry, dishes, light housekeeping...  Although she was there doing the physical stuff, I was still alone with my thoughts and was sad and lonely.  As time is passing things are slowly getting easier.  Near the end of week six I had a major breakthrough!  Something came over me and I suddenly felt empowered!  I had been wanting to go out for an evening alone without Gage.  I made arrangements for him to stay with my Gram and signed up for a painting class- ALONE!  I couldn't find anyone to go with me- everyone kept saying that the painting was too hard!  I was so incredibly nervous to attend this class alone but I went and I had a great time!  Not only did I get a night out but I made some new friends and had an incredible painting to bring home with me!  
I love it! 
You know what else I did?  I mowed my own grass!  Yes, I am so proud of myself for this one!  Have you seen our backyard?!  I have a new appreciation for my husband and the hard work he puts in when mowing!  No wonder he wears cleats and demanded we get a self-propelled lawn mower.  I actually broke a sweat while I was mowin' and listen y'all, I DON'T sweat!  
this is only the "top" of our yard, I'll spare you the steep sides leading around back
With my newfound strength I decided to tackle another project; our 10 year old range.  So earlier yesterday I was cleaning up the kitchen for our house showing today and guess I pushed too hard on part of the stove... I pushed the screen though/off/out... hell I don't know what I did!  Here is a picture of it! 
you can see that the top, left hand side of the electrical unit thingy got pushed back into the range! wtf? 
So yeah, here I am, trying to prep my house for a big showing the next day and this happens!  My initial solution was this: 
doesn't look suspicious to me!
I'll just put the dish towel over it and hope they don't notice! 
I had to fix it.  Thank goodness for FaceTime!  I called my father in-law and he helped walk me through what to do!  I had to pull the stove out, take the back off and re-fit the piece back into its spot.  Only problem was the hooks that you screw to the range were broken off!  Since I was limited on time there was only one logical solution; duct tape.  So I fashioned this little beauty back into its place, put the back on the range and problem solved!  Well, temporarily!  

so its pretty ugly- it was VERY hard to do without someone here holding it in place for me!
 I am so so proud of myself for completing this seemingly easy task!  I don't use power tools and I don't "fix" things so this was a huge accomplishment for me!  It was super hard to set the clock after I had it plugged back in so my finished product is a bit wonky.  My father in-law will be coming later this week to fix it for real!  
just a bit crooked but hey, it looks better than it did!
Throughout this process I have learned just how strong and independent I am.  I don't need someone to do everything for me and I don't need someone here holding my hand while my husband is gone.  I can fix things, mow my own grass, and drive more than one hour alone with my child.  I think that many of my family members and some friends have this misconception of me that I am a little girl who can't do anything on her own.  That couldn't be farther from the truth.  On Friday Gage and I are flying to DC to spend the weekend with Jeremy.  Yes, I am very nervous about traveling alone with my three year old but dammit I know it can do it and I know I don't need anyone to accompany me for help!  Nor do I need someone to come sit at my house with me while I pack!  I'll figure it out, just as I have everything else.  Ok, I'll get off of my soapbox... 

I'm slowly figuring out that I'll be just fine until my hubby comes back.  Yes, I still need him but I know now that I'll manage until November 6 but not a day longer!  Hurry home honey! 

Farewell friends!

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